Practicum 3: Hipster Migration


  • Continued manipulation of data.

  • Joining of tables

  • Make a map!

Files Modified:

In the news, you occasionally hear about a demographic trend of people preferring to move into the city center as opposed to the suburbs. Such a trend is often attributed to the hipster "millenials" who stereotypically prefer to live in urban centers and forego cars in favor of fixed gear bikes, trains, and smart phones.

In this practicum, we’re explore that hypothesis. Here’s the idea, if you look at a map of the CTA, you see various rail lines originating downtown and pointing outwards towards the suburbs.


If people are really moving into the city instead of the suburbs, perhaps you might see a long-term drop in ridership at the outer-most stations and an increase in ridership at stations in the city center. In Practicum 2, you already figured out the ridership change for various L stations. Does that data support this idea?

(a) Reading train ridership data

First, you just wrote a function parse_csv() that can read CSV files and perform type conversion. You should change your program to use your function. For example:

import fileparse
rides = fileparse.parse_csv('Data/ctarail.csv', types=[int, str, str, str, int])

Make this change and make sure your code still works. Just to recall, your code should be producing a table such as this:

Id   |Name                     |Count   |Change
41400|Roosevelt                |33249846| 1817656
41660|Lake/State               |51524924| 1680578
40380|Clark/Lake               |56772423| 1378717
41220|Fullerton                |43086899| 1284827
41170|Garfield-Dan Ryan        |15741450| -169546
40990|69th                     |23355328| -310984
40450|95th/Dan Ryan            |50304330| -355227
40500|Washington/State         |14321124|-2179181

(b) Joining with geographic coordinates

At this point, you have the change in raw rider counts for each station. However, you don’t have much information about the stations themselves. Let’s fix that by bringing in some details such as the latitude and longitude coordinates of each station.

The file Data/ctastops.csv contains information about all bus/rail stops in the CTA system including GPS coordinates. Here is what the data looks like:

1,1,"Jackson & Austin Terminal","Jackson & Austin Terminal, Northeastbound, Bus Terminal",41.87632184,-87.77410482,0,,1
2,2,"5900 W Jackson","5900 W Jackson, Eastbound, Southside of the Street",41.87706679,-87.77131794,0,,1

Use your parse_csv() function to read a subset of this data including the latitude and longitude coordinates:

>>> stopdata = fileparse.parse_csv('Data/ctastops.csv',
                                    select=['stop_id', 'stop_lat', 'stop_lon'],
                                    types=[int, float, float])

>>> len(stopdata)
>>> stopdata[0:4]
[{'stop_lat': 41.87632184, 'stop_lon': -87.77410482, 'stop_id': 1}, {'stop_lat': 41.87706679, 'stop_lon': -87.77131794, 'stop_id': 2}, {'stop_lat': 41.87695725, 'stop_lon': -87.76975039, 'stop_id': 3}, {'stop_lat': 41.87702418, 'stop_lon': -87.76745055, 'stop_id': 4}]

Now, modify your program so that the summary table also includes geographic coordinates. For example:

Id   |Name                     |Count   |Change  |Latitude  |Longitude
41400|Roosevelt                |33249846| 1817656| 41.867379|-87.627031
41660|Lake/State               |51524924| 1680578| 41.884809|-87.627813
40380|Clark/Lake               |56772423| 1378717| 41.885737|-87.630886
40990|69th                     |23355328| -310984| 41.768367|-87.625724
40450|95th/Dan Ryan            |50304330| -355227| 41.722377|-87.624342
40500|Washington/State         |14321124|-2179181|  0.000000|  0.000000

You can make it easy to look up station information if you take the data and turn it into a dictionary. For example:

>>> stopinfo = { stop['stop_id']:stop for stop in stopdata }
>>> stopinfo[40960]
{'stop_lat': 41.799756, 'stop_lon': -87.724493, 'stop_id': 40960}
>>> stopinfo[40910]
{'stop_lat': 41.780536, 'stop_lon': -87.630952, 'stop_id': 40910}

There is one other nasty technicality—certain CTA stations have been retired from service and are no longer in use (e.g., the "Washington/State" station). When you’re joining up data, you’ll need to account for the fact that historical ride data might reference non-existent stops. Dealing with missing data is a mess—try to figure something out.

(c) Writing CSV files

Modify your program so that the information shown in the table can be obtained as a list of tuples. For example:

data = [
        (41400, 'Roosevelt', 33249846, 1817656, 41.8673785311, -87.6270314058),
        (41660, 'Lake/State', 51524924, 1680578, 41.884809, -87.627813),
        (40380, 'Clark/Lake', 56772423, 1378717, 41.885737, -87.630886)

The csv module also provides support for writing CSV files. For example:

>>> import csv
>>> f = open('data.csv', 'w')
>>> f_csv = csv.writer(f)
>>> f_csv.writerow(['station_id','station_name','count', 'change', 'latitude','longitude'])
>>> f_csv.writerows(data)
>>> f.close()

Using your collected data, have your program write two separate CSV files. Create a file loss.csv that contains data for stations that lost ridership.

40840,South Boulevard,2846885,-1371,42.027612,-87.678329
41140,King Drive,2442306,-10958,41.78013,-87.615546
40720,East 63rd-Cottage Grove,4871810,-14643,41.780309,-87.605857

Next, create a file gain.csv that contains data for the 40 stations that gained the most ridership. It should look something like this:


At this point, you should have two separate CSV files. One that lists the stations that lost ridership and one that lists stations with the most growth in ridership.

(d) Make a map!

What’s good data without making a cool map? There are many services on the web that allow you make custom maps. For example, go visit the ArcGIS website at Click on the button Modify Map in the upper right corner (as indicated by the red arrow):


Once you’ve done that, you can add data to the map by selecting the following:


Add the loss.csv and gain.csv files to the map and see if you see if you can make an interesting map. For example, maybe something like this:


Yes, you’re definitely ready to be a civic planner now!


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