Exercise 6.2


  • See how to restrict the set of object attribute names using slots.

  • How to better control access to object attributes through the use of property functions.

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Files Modified: stock.py

(a) Simple Properties

Properties are a useful way to add "computed attributes" to an object. In Exercise 5.1, you created an object Stock. Notice that on your object there is a slight inconsistency in how different kinds of data are extracted:

>>> from stock import Stock
>>> s = Stock('GOOG', 100, 490.1)
>>> s.shares
>>> s.price
>>> s.cost()

Specifically, notice how you have to add the extra () to cost because it is a method.

You can get rid of the extra () on cost() if you turn it into a property. Take your Stock class and modify it so that the cost calculation works like this:

>>> s.cost

Try calling s.cost() as a function and observe that it doesn’t work now that cost has been defined as a property.

>>> s.cost()
... fails ...

(b) Properties and Setters

Modify the shares attribute so that the value is stored in a private attribute and that a pair of property functions are used to ensure that it is always set to an integer value. Here is an example of the expected behavior:

>>> s = Stock('GOOG',100,490.10)
>>> s.shares = 50
>>> s.shares = 'a lot'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: expected an integer

(c) Adding slots

Modify the Stock class so that it has a __slots__ attribute. Then, verify that new attributes can’t be added:

>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
>>> from stock import Stock
>>> s = Stock('GOOG', 100, 490.10)
>>> s.name
>>> s.blah = 42
... see what happens ...

When you use __slots__, Python actually uses a more efficient internal representation of objects. What happens if you try to inspect the underlying dictionary of s above?

>>> s.__dict__
... see what happens ...

It should be noted that __slots__ is most commonly used as an optimization on classes that serve as data structures. Using slots will make such programs use far-less memory and run a bit faster.
