Exercise 5.2


  • Learn how to use inheritance to write extensible code.

  • See a practical use of inheritance by writing a program that must output data in a variety of user-selectable formats such as plain-text, HTML, and CSV.

Files Created: tableformat.py

Files Modified: stock.py

A major use of inheritance is in writing code that’s meant to be extended or customized in various ways—especially in libraries or frameworks. To illustrate, start by adding the following function to your stock.py program:

# stock.py
def print_portfolio(portfolio):
    Make a nicely formatted table showing portfolio contents.
    headers = ('Name','Shares','Price')
    for h in headers:
        print '%10s' % h,
    print ('-'*10 + ' ')*len(headers)
    for s in portfolio:
        print '%10s %10d %10.2f' % (s.name, s.shares, s.price)

Add a little testing section to the bottom of your stock.py file that runs the above function:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    portfolio = read_portfolio('Data/portfolio.csv')

When you run your stock.py, you should get this output:

      Name     Shares      Price
---------- ---------- ----------
        AA        100      32.20
       IBM         50      91.10
       CAT        150      83.44
      MSFT        200      51.23
        GE         95      40.37
      MSFT         50      65.10
       IBM        100      70.44

(a) An Extensibility Problem

Suppose that you wanted to modify the print_portfolio() function to support a variety of different output formats such as plain-text, HTML, CSV, or XML. To do this, you could try to write one gigantic function that did everything. However, doing so would likely lead to an unmaintainable mess. Instead, this is a perfect opportunity to use inheritance instead.

To start, focus on the steps that are involved in a creating a table. At the top of the table is a set of table headers. After that, rows of table data appear. Let’s take those steps and and put them into their own class. Create a file called tableformat.py and define the following class:

# tableformat.py

class TableFormatter(object):
    def headings(self, headers):
        Emit the table headings.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def row(self, rowdata):
        Emit a single row of table data.
        raise NotImplementedError()

This class does nothing, but it serves as a kind of design specification for additional classes that will be defined shortly. Modify the print_portfolio() function so that it accepts a TableFormatter object as input and invokes methods on it to produce the output. For example, like this:

# stock.py
def print_portfolio(portfolio, formatter):
    Make a nicely formatted table showing portfolio contents.
    formatter.headings(['Name', 'Shares', 'Price'])
    for s in portfolio:
        # Form a row of output data (as strings)
        rowdata = [s.name, str(s.shares), '%0.2f' % s.price]

Finally, try your new class by modifying the main program like this:

# stock.py
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from tableformat import TableFormatter
    portfolio = read_portfolio('Data/portfolio.csv')
    formatter = TableFormatter()
    print_portfolio(portfolio, formatter)

When you run this new code, your program will immediately crash with a NotImplementedError exception. That’s not too exciting, but continue to the next part.

(b) Using Inheritance to Produce Different Output

The TableFormatter class you defined in part (a) is meant to be extended via inheritance. In fact, that’s the whole idea. To illustrate, define a class TextTableFormatter like this:

# tableformat.py
class TextTableFormatter(TableFormatter):
    Emit a table in plain-text format
    def headings(self, headers):
        for h in headers:
            print '%10s' % h,
        print ('-'*10 + ' ')*len(headers)

    def row(self, rowdata):
        for d in rowdata:
            print '%10s' % d,

Modify your main program in stock.py like this and try it:

# stock.py
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from tableformat import TextTableFormatter
    portfolio = read_portfolio('Data/portfolio.csv')
    formatter = TextTableFormatter()
    print_portfolio(portfolio, formatter)

This should produce the same output as before:

      Name     Shares      Price
---------- ---------- ----------
        AA        100      32.20
       IBM         50      91.10
       CAT        150      83.44
      MSFT        200      51.23
        GE         95      40.37
      MSFT         50      65.10
       IBM        100      70.44

However, let’s change the output to something else. Define a new class CSVTableFormatter that produces output in CSV format:

# tableformat.py
class CSVTableFormatter(TableFormatter):
    Output portfolio data in CSV format.
    def headings(self, headers):
        print ','.join(headers)

    def row(self, rowdata):
        print ','.join(rowdata)

Modify your main program as follows:

# stock.py
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from tableformat import CSVTableFormatter
    portfolio = read_portfolio('Data/portfolio.csv')
    formatter = CSVTableFormatter()
    print_portfolio(portfolio, formatter)

You should now see CSV output like this:


Using a similar idea, define a class HTMLTableFormatter that produces a table with the following output:

<tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Shares</th> <th>Price</th> </tr>
<tr> <td>AA</td> <td>100</td> <td>32.20</td> </tr>
<tr> <td>IBM</td> <td>50</td> <td>91.10</td> </tr>

Test your code by modifying the main program to create a HTMLTableFormatter object instead of a CSVTableFormatter object.

(c) Polymorphism in Action

A major feature of object-oriented programming is that you can simply plug an object into a program and it will work without having to change any of the existing code. For example, if you wrote a program that expected to use a TableFormatter object, it would work no matter what kind of TableFormatter you actually gave it. This behavior is sometimes referred to as "polymorphism."

One potential problem is making it easier for the user to simply pick the formatter that they want. This can sometimes be fixed by defining a helper function. In the tableformat.py file, add a function create_formatter(name) that allows a user to create a formatter given an output name such as 'txt', 'csv', or 'html'. For example:

# stock.py
if __name__ == '__main__':
    from tableformat import create_formatter
    portfolio = read_portfolio('Data/portfolio.csv')
    formatter = create_formatter('csv')
    print_portfolio(portfolio, formatter)

When you run this program, you’ll see output such as this:


Try changing the format to 'txt' and 'html' just to make sure your code is working correctly.

If the user provides a bad output format to the create_formatter() function, have it raise a RuntimeError exception. For example:

>>> from tableformat import create_formatter
>>> formatter = create_formatter('xls')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "tableformat.py", line 68, in create_formatter
    raise RuntimeError('Unknown table format %s' % name)
RuntimeError: Unknown table format xls

Writing extensible code is one of the most common uses of inheritance in libraries and frameworks. For example, a framework might instruct you to define your own object that inherits from a provided base class. You’re then told to fill in various methods that implement various bits of functionality.

That said, designing object oriented programs can be extremely difficult. For more information, you should probably look for books on the topic of design patterns (although understanding what happened in this exercise will take you pretty far in terms of using most library modules).
