Exercise 11.2


  • An example of calling a simple C function from Python.

  • Use of the ctypes module to access C code without having to use a C compiler.

Files Created: Ext/cmandel.py

Files Modified: Ext/mandel.py

In the practical-python/Ext directory, you will find a pure-Python script mandel.py that creates a PNG file with a plot of the famous Mandelbrot set. Open that program with IDLE and run it now. You should get output such as this after about 15-30 seconds:

Wrote mandel.png
16.5698359013 seconds

As output, the program should create a file practical-python/Ext/mandel.png. If you go into the Ext/ directory and double-click on the file, you should see an image such as this:


(a) The Performance Problem

The script that generates the resulting image is entirely written in Python. However, almost all of the execution time is consumed by the following function (in mandel.py)

# Test a given x,y coordinate to see if it's a member of the set
def in_mandelbrot(x0,y0,n):
    x = 0
    y = 0
    while n > 0:
        xtemp = x*x - y*y + x0
        y = 2*x*y + y0
        x = xtemp
        n -= 1
        if x*x + y*y > 4: return False
    return True

Try running the mandel.py program under the Python profiler.

% python -m cProfile mandel.py

Look at the output and look at the entry for the in_mandelbrot() function.

(b) Using C Functions

The file Ext/src/mandel.c contains a C implementation of the in_mandelbrot() function. Here is what the code looks like this:

/* mandel.c */
/* Test a given x,y coordinate to see if it's a member of the set */
in_mandelbrot(double x0, double y0, int n) {
  double x=0,y=0,xtemp;
  while (n > 0) {
    xtemp = x*x - y*y + x0;
    y = 2*x*y + y0;
    x = xtemp;
    n -= 1;
    if (x*x + y*y > 4) return 0;
  return 1;

If you take the above C function and compile it into a shared library, the ctypes library makes it easy to access. The following shared libraries have already been precompiled with the above function:

Ext/win32/libmandel.dll          (Windows)
Ext/osx/libmandel.so             (Macintosh OS-X)
Ext/linux/libmandel.so           (Linux)

Try using ctypes to load the appropriate library depending on what operating system you’re using:

>>> import ctypes
>>> ext = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("./win32/libmandel.dll")

Now, get a reference to the in_mandelbrot() function and patch up its argument signatures:

>>> in_mandelbrot = ext.in_mandelbrot
>>> in_mandelbrot.argtypes = (ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_int)
>>> in_mandelbrot.restype = ctypes.c_int

Now, try calling the function for a few different values

>>> in_mandelbrot(0,0,500)
>>> in_mandelbrot(0.25,0.5,500)
>>> in_mandelbrot(2,2,500)

(c) A Performance Test

Take the mandel.py program and copy it to a new program cmandel.py. Modify the program so that the in_mandelbrot() function is loaded from a C library and used instead of the Python implementation.

Run your new program and compare its performance to the pure-Python implementation. Make sure it produces the correct output.

More Information

Instead of using ctypes, Python also provides a low-level C programming API that allows extension modules to be directly integrated with this interpreter. More information can be found in the file practical-python/Optional/Extension.pdf.


The PNG output created in this example is being produced by the PyPNG package (http://code.google.com/p/pypng).
