Exercise 10.2


  • More on list sorting

  • Use of anonymous functions and lambda

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Use your report module to read some stock portfolio data (the same code you’ve seen many times already).

>>> import report
>>> portfolio = report.read_portfolio('Data/portfolio.csv')
>>> for s in portfolio:
        print s

... inspect the contents ...

(a) Sorting on a field

Try the following statements which sort the portfolio data alphabetically by stock name.

>>> def stock_name(s):
       return s['name']

>>> portfolio.sort(key=stock_name)
>>> for s in portfolio:
           print s

... inspect the result ...

In this part, the stock_name() function extracts the name of a stock from a single entry in the portfolio list. sort() uses the result of this function to do the comparison.

(b) Sorting on a field with lambda

Try sorting the portfolio according the number of shares using a lambda expression:

>>> portfolio.sort(key=lambda s: s['shares'])
>>> for s in portfolio:
        print s

... inspect the result ...

Try sorting the portfolio according to the price of each stock

>>> portfolio.sort(key=lambda s: s['price'])
>>> for s in portfolio:
        print s

... inspect the result ...

Note: lambda is a useful shortcut because it allows you to define a special processing function directly in the call to sort() as opposed to having to define a separate function first (as in part a).
